Area Representative Responsibilities:
The Area Representative is a very important connection between the student, the host family, the school and OCEAN's main office. He/she serves as the contact person for program participants and is available to assist them in resolving any problems that may arise during the course of the students' stay in the U.S. The area representative is entailed with the following responsibilities:
Acquiring vacancies for international exchange students at local high schools.
Seeking and interviewing prospective host families in their home.
Providing the host family with an orientation prior to the student's arrival in the U.S.
Maintaining monthly contact with the student, the host family and school personnel.
Completing monthly online evaluation reports.
Assisting the host families and the students with any problems that may occur throughout the entire course of the program.
Area Representative Compensation:
We realize that expenses are incurred during the search for host families. Therefore, the area representatives are compensated based on their experience in the field. The total amount of payment depends upon the length of the student's stay in the U.S. (semester or academic year.)
In order to determine whether or not an applicant qualifies as an experienced representative, he/she must furnish OCEAN with both host family and high school references. These references will be contacted by an OCEAN staff member to determine the applicant's level of experience in the field, as well as his/her relationship with host families and school personnel. All area representatives are required to undergo a criminal background check.
Area Representative Application Forms: